"Terrible, terrible damage"

Charla con Karune sobre las capturas de pantalla

Publicado por ΑτοΜ el lunes, noviembre 12, 2007 0 comentarios

Este es el título del nuevo hilo abierto por Karune en los foros oficiales de SC2 para comentar las dudas que se planteen sobre las nuevas capturas de pantalla publicadas en la web Coreana

En la primera captura puede verse por primera vez al firebat en acción y una torreta desconocida que ya se había visto anteriormente.

Karune ya ha dejado algunos comentarios sobre esta primera pantalla:

The turrets are dropped by the Nomad (using energy), acting as decent defenses, and even better harassment, if used by a skilled player.

The Firebats are back with the same fire loving attitude, but with added Hit Points to help them get real close to their enemies. Firebats also must be produced from the Factory rather than the Barracks from the original StarCraft, since their suits are larger and able to sustain more enemy fire.
The Protoss Colossi are attempting to destroy the rocks blocking the Protoss forces from advancing up the ramp.
The rocks will have viewable Hit Points and can be destroyed by all units. In some maps, this type of environmental interaction could allow access to both 'secret expansion locations' as well as 'secret paths' to an enemy's base. Knowing the maps well will be crucial to the strategy involved in multiplayer skirmishes.
The flame attack by the Firebats are currently the same as the original StarCraft.
Firebats are still healed by Medics. If I was a Firebat, I don't think I'd want it any other way.
En la segunda captura puede verse a varias unidades utilizando la habilidad force field para bloquear el paso en una rampa.

Karune también ha comentado esta pantalla:

Over the past month and coming months, there will be a many ability swaps. From week to week, it could change significantly. Nonetheless, I'll try my best to keep you guys updated. At this very moment, the Twillight Archon is being tested with some of the original StarCraft High Templar abilities.
Y como tercera captura se muestra una imagen con varios Marines, Vikings, un SCV y un impresionante Thor disparando sus cañones.

Enlace: Chat with Karune about the Screenshots, capturas de (1, 2, 3)

Actualización (13 de Noviembre de 2007)
Hay otras dos aclaraciones de Karune sobre la segunda captura de pantalla, la primera responde a la pregunta de que es esa cosa verde que parece un meteorito que se ha estrellado contra la plataforma.

It is our homage to the 'Man of Steel' :)
Ya es cosa de cada uno creerse o no que se trata de una alusión a Superman, el hombre de acero.
La segunda respuesta identifica una construcción que puede verse en la parte inferior derecha de la imagen.

That is an observation post which you can man, to gain a greater sight
range around that post.

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