"Terrible, terrible damage"

Cavez y Karune responden en el foro de SC2

Publicado por ΑτοΜ el sábado, febrero 02, 2008 0 comentarios

Antes de empezar el fin de semana Dustin Browder, alias Cavez (diseñador jefe de SC2) y Kevin Yu, alias Karune (gerente de la comunidad RTS de Blizzard) han contestado algunas preguntas para aclarar dudas sobre el foro, edificios y unidades de SC2.

En esta primera intervención Cavez nos recuerda que, aunque los desarrolladores no tienen muchas oportunidades para intervenir en los foros, los visitan a menudo para recoger las impresiones, ideas y sugerencias sobre el juego.

I don't know what this forum is "officially" for but I know
what I use it for. I come in to this forum to see what you guys think about
the game, to listen to you guys talk about the original StarCraft and to
read some ideas/suggestions. I know a lot of other developers on the team do
the same thing.

I have on occasion taken an idea from this forum and
brought it with me to the next design meeting. Sometimes
I have to modify the idea to fit it into our current
needs. Often these ideas get shot down, but then a lot
of ideas get shot down. I have taken concerns from this and
other forums directly to people on the team to see how we
can address them. Sometimes we decide that the concerns
aren't valid. Sometimes we decide that they are and we make
a fix.

As developers we don't get a chance to post
a lot, so it may not seem
like we are here with you, but we are.

I have learned a lot from the
StarCraft community, both here and in other
forums as well as through
face-to-face with fans from around the world.
StarCraft has a great community,
filled with passion, knowledge and

StarCraft II is lucky to
have you guys watching over it.
[ post edited by Cavez ]

Dustin Browder
Lead Designer - Starcraft II Blizzard Entertainment

En otra intervención detalla el funcionamiento actual del Acceso/Entrada Protoss para el teletransporte de unidades.

- You build Gateways.
- You purchase the Warp-In upgrade
on the Cybernetics Core.
- You select your Gateways and transform them into
Warpgates. This is extremely fast.
- You may select your Warpgates and
transform them back into Gateways (also fast) any time you want. You would
mostly do this if you wanted to reduce your Macro and rely on queues. Skilled
players never go back to Gateways once they have Warpgates.

Now that you
have Warp Gates:
- Select a Warpgate.
- Select a unit to build.
Target anywhere within a power radius.
- Unit begins to warp-in where you
- Warp-In is very fast.
- Unit is vulnerable during the
warp-in process and can be killed before the warp-in is complete.
- Warpgate
must now "cooldown" with a time equal to the build time of the unit created
before it can warp-in again.

That's how it works right now. In games it
is extremely effective with Immortals and Dark Templars though I have seen it
used with everything at one time or another.
Dustin Browder
Lead Designer - Starcraft II Blizzard Entertainment

También responde sobre el estado de la Nave Nodriza, actualmente se sigue trabajando en ella y todavía le queda bastante, solamente está permitida una y tienen pensado reducir el poder de sus habilidades.

We are still working on the Mothership, trying to make it as
cool as possible. It currently is not a super-unit by our defenition (its health
and damage are balanced for cost) though you are allowed only a single

Its powers are pretty epic and are currently way too
powerful. Nerfs are in-coming but we are focused on the Zerg so we havent put a
ton of work into her for several weeks. When there is something worth updating
on this unit, we will update.

Overall the unit has some promise, but she
has a long way to go to be worthy of StarCraft 2.
Dustin Browder
Lead Designer - Starcraft II Blizzard Entertainment

Sobre la estrategia y experiencia de juego dice que no permitirán ninguna unidad que la estropee y que siguen trabajando para terminar de eliminar las relaciones piedra-papel-tijera entre unidades.

We totally agree that terrain and position is key for
StarCraft 2. We actually have a good amount of it now with our current units as
well as our new terrain mechanics. If we find that the
Reaper/Viking/Colossus/whatever are ruining our game play experience and have
destroyed strategy then they get the boot. That hasn't been our experience so
far with these units, but we aren't in beta yet so our pool of feedback is

The rock-paper-scissors relationships are slowly being ground
out. Some of them were never that real anyway. Since it is more exciting to show
those relationships in a demo, we sometimes pushed them over-the-top just to
show off units. As time goes by we have fewer and fewer rock-paper
relationships. We will keep working on this issue.

We do have some big
units, but then Ultralisks and Battlecruisers were big units in the original
StarCraft. Thors are no worse than Battlecruisers in the current build and we
will see what happens to the Mothership. She is not currently very dangerous for
cost with her weapons or health (though her spells still need some tuning).

I hope that helps answer some of your questions.
Dustin Browder
Lead Designer - Starcraft II Blizzard Entertainment

Por su parte, Karune explica que los Inmortales y los Segadores no pueden atacar a las unidades aéreas y que tipo de unidades puede contrarrestar y contrarrestan al Inmortal.

Neither the Immortals nor the Reapers can attack air units.
Immortals are currently awesome counters to any high damage unit, and are able
to be countered well by any type of rapid attacking unit, such as Zerglings or
M&Ms with Stim. The Immortals' bonus damage against armored add to their
ferocity against many Terran units going into Tier 2 and beyond. Nonetheless,
bringing in Terran Banshees will ruin any players' day who masses Immortals.

Por último, Karune comenta que ya está terminado de grabar el segundo episodio del BlizzCast y que casi dobla en contenido al primer episodio.

We have actually just finished recording episode two, having
a total of 4 different Devs talking with us. The show will have almost double
the content of the first episode- should be fun :)
Enlace: My obsessive view on things here, How will Warping work?, Karune, current mothership status?, The Un-RTSness of SC 2, Can Immortals attack air?, Blizzcast Question

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